Coding A Global Language

Coding A Global Language

Programming languages are the same all over the world, which is so cool! It’s communicating with people who may not be in the same geographical location as you, who you may never see, who you may never know, and yet you are able to communicate. It’s very interesting.

American History is taught in America as American History, French history is taught in France as French history, but in coding, the language is the same.

Writing codes in Python or JavaScript are the same in France, America, Italy, Germany, South Africa.

Get a kid plugged into online free coding lessons.

Do not wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!


Everyone can code including kids

Everyone can code including kids

  1. Not everyone will be a programmer/developer, I agree, but technology has changed the face of every profession, and that change has come to stay.

Help a kid not only enjoy the changes that technology is making but also help a kid in shaping those changes!

Computer Science

Computer Science

Math and Computer Science

What do you think is the most important subject at school, starting from preschool through high school?

The most important subject is math because it is an everyday application. It is everywhere. Everyone has used math applications. Math applications cut across every age group, the old and the young. It helps us in our day to day life activities and it goes hand in hand with computer science. While some people may not agree, we use math applications every day, when we buy and sell when we cook food, and when we measure anything and everything, from the toothpaste you put on your toothbrush to your daily budget for the money you spend every day. When we turn on the microwave, that’s computer science applications. When we go on the Web, like we are right now, it’s computer application right now. Help a kid in math and encourage a kid to learn a programming language.

Do not wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

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