

Learning how to code at the beginning may not be the easiest thing to do or learn. It takes time and practice to get better at programming/coding. It takes even more hard work to make full applications.
“The key is in continuity”. If you keep trying, never give up and put your mind to it. You will get past the obstacles and begin to love programming/coding. The excitement is when you are able to solve a problem.
When you write clean codes, it’s amazing! The feeling is amazing! And at that point, we forget all the frustration.




A lot of kids love to play games, including me! I love to talk about games. It Is one of the things that I love to do in my spare time. My brothers and I talk about different games. I remember the first time I started coding.  The first programming language, as I said before, was Python. I created a game that 50 people could play. It was amazing! I played it with my brothers and my friends and they all enjoyed it. I showed my mom and I saw the look on her face. She was surprised. Playing a game is fun,  but creating your own game is amazing! Writing the codes is so much fun! I am counting down on this workshop. Kids will love it! I can’t wait to share some of the excitement. I will share the excitement and responses at the workshop. This is going to be so much fun, not just the game, but the code behind the game. Learning a new programming language, the terms used and how we can bring our story, the motion pictures, the movement is going to be great. I got a chance to meet Limited Run. It was an amazing experience! Limited Run will be giving us an insight into gaming not only as players but as creators.


Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!


Join Us

Join Us

Here at Bug Zero.Codes, we have been sharing our passion for libraries, schools, and meetup events. Now we want to include a workshop so that kids can have a taste of coding and then fall in love with coding, as time goes on.  Together we will combat online mischief distraction and enhance math skills while we build strong communities where kids can take part in solving problems using the code in homes and schools around the world.


We are excited Limited Run is collaborating with us to teach kids how to make their own games and at the same time learn how to code. Let us learn while having fun.



We are elevating play! Share this! Invite friends and family.

Labor Day

Labor Day

Today is an amazing holiday. I got excited after I did a little research on what Labor Day in America truly means.
I discovered that it’s a celebration for the American workers who have contributed socially and economically to America, which is great. Let’s fast forward to today. The tech industry has contributed in
several ways in building communities, locally and around the world. Problems are solved every day using technology and this problem-solving has helped to make a difference. I look forward to celebrating this day and to say a big thank-you to all who have contributed socially and economically to communities and
around the world, and also to kids building communities by solving problems using code.

For kids, it’s passion and I celebrate with all the kids who have made this contribution.

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