Growing The Tech Community

Growing The Tech Community

Teaching is a preparation for tomorrow. We learn today so that we can do better tomorrow. The tech community is growing so fast yet I read on the internet that there is a shortage in the tech community. Some members of the tech community are self-thought which is amazing! Some have gone to boot camps and some have gone to colleges. The big question is “How can we grow the tech community” coding is a global language, it unifies us yet there is a shortage. If every developer/ programmer can pick one person and come side with that person, there will be more people in the field of technology. Knowledge shared is growth in the community.

Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!

BugZero codes Acronym

BugZero codes Acronym

TED is our acronym.


M – Mentoring a kid

R – Replicate building solution skill in a kid

T – Teach a kid

E – Encourage a kid to learn how to code

D – Do it with all your heart

Mr. Ted should be our goal when we are teaching other kids and adults how to code and master the skills so that they can pass it on to other people.

Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!

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