Book Signing

Our overall mission at is to bring kids of all ages from all nations to tech.

We are elevating play in our coding adventure using several forms of play to drive the message and engage kids in this amazing global language called code. We have written several books. And in the next couple of months, the books will be out.

Here is why we wrote the books.

Starting off with creativity!

Starting off with creativity!

This week at school is Spirit Week! We have themes for different days. We had teams like business casual and Onesie Army. I love spirit week because it is a group project.

We sit down together and agree on our theme. After school, we plan what we’ll wear. Most of the time random clothes you have at home with a little dash of creativity! When the entire school comes together it’s awesome! It’s an
amazing way to start 2019 with creativity and collaboration.

I am constantly reminded that we win together. Teamwork beats the work of an individual. If every single student was wearing what they wished it wouldn’t be as fun as groups.
2019 is a year of teamwork. Let us identify a challenge and build its solution collectively.

Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today! 2018 mini recap

Thank you so much for all your amazing contribution to in 2018. Your emails, connections, suggestions, comments, likes, and questions are all helping us in Bringing KIDS to TECH.
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