The TECH professional community

The TECH professional community

Our strength as a professional community

Last month I spoke at a TECH event, I reminded developers

we changed the face of EVERY profession,

We changed the world!

Every visionary now and in the future needs us.

Let us remember to prepare EVERY kid for the future that has started now!

Our book project

Our book project

Here is a sneak peek of the cover of the coloring book. It is a must have for every family. Boys and girl of all ages will not only be enjoying coloring but will begin to point out how coding is used at home and all around us while learning how to stay focused which is a skill needed for life.



A11Y is an abbreviated form of accessibility. 11 is the number of letters in between the “A” at the beginning and the “Y” at the end. Developers are buzzing about this topic but what does it mean? Developers want to make their web applications accessible to everyone. Some websites are not very accessible to people that may be colorblind, blind, or have slow motor skills. We do not want the web to be restrictive to certain people. The web is for everyone no matter what special needs they may have.

Good question

Good question

How did the English language become so popular in different parts of the World?

Teaching, education, encouragement, modeling, training, passion, commitment, and hard work.

How can we apply this same principle to reach the next generation of problem solvers ready to tackle challenges that have lasted for too long?

Don’t wait any longer let us start now!

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