Back to school

Back to school

Some schools are wrapping up on summer holidays. Some schools have already started. The new school year brings a lot of excitement, meeting new classmates, reuniting with old classmates from previous school year(s), sometimes sadness for some who did not return to school, and happy for an introduction to new classes and teachers starting off with new strategies to help every child learn better.

Programming/coding looks new for some, for others, it might seem intimidating. This is a great opportunity for every member of the TECH community to start a conversation about technology to encourage and inspire kids to learn how to code.

Don’t wait any longer. Encourage a kid to learn how to code today!

The beauty of technology 16

The beauty of technology 16

The beauty of technology is great! It is exciting enjoying the solutions built, as wonderful as it is, there are some negativity that has come with it. We as members of the TECH community are in a position to also correct and make changes, these changes and correction are already going on.

Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!

The beauty of technology 15

The beauty of technology 15

Many times, when things are done faster or better, it comes with a high price tag. In technology, faster and better does not mean a high price tag, it is change to help make a significant difference in the life of others.

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