Cyber Security

Cyber Security

When it comes to developing apps, it is so cool. Once you get a good hold on a language and practice and practice you begin to get comfortable and over time improve your skillset in that.
Cyber Security is different and very interesting. Some of the stuff from the outside looks like common sense. I know some is already applied in our daily life without realizing it. Securing data is important in the digital World. It is an area open to many including kids.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning cybersecurity today!

Why paper books in a digital World?

Why paper books in a digital World?

Some may wonder why paper book in a digital World? Introducing kids to TECH starts as soon as they are born. Kids learn languages as early as the age of one. We want kids to understand, hear, see and get familiar with coding. Like all other languages, kids start learning any language early not later. Communicating with the computer in the language the computer understands needs to start early.

Soccer Season

Soccer Season

Soccer season has been wonderful. We as a team have continued to work and improve on our skills, soccer season this year kicked off with so much excitement and enthusiasm. One of the seniors said he wanted us to work together as one team regardless of being a freshman, sophomore, junior or a senior. It was GREAT. There was collaboration, teamwork and goals that were set. We won in some games but lost in some. Some of our losses we could avoid but others we could not. The concept of accepting failure and working on weaknesses played out everyday. Looking forward to basketball.

Eugene Singing

One of my hobbies is also singing. A few weeks ago I sang this hymn, I really enjoyed it.

Book Project

What do doctors, firefighters, chef, teachers, writers and kids have in common?

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