Here is my thought

Here is my thought

Recently a lot of people are working on removing the stigma around certain challenges people face.

Coding has a lot of stigmas attach to it. Some people think it is for nerds, geeks, and weird people. Coding is a fun way of communicating with the computer. How do we make a change so that kids will learn this language? how do we begin to change mindset?

How can kids embrace and begin to learn this language they will have to communicate in? Internet of things, algorithms, Big data, cybersecurity, software development are all here to stay.

People did not need to learn English in-depth, high school level of English was enough to speak and write.

Kids need to learn enough to write lines of code.

How can we all remove this stigma? Everyone can code including kids.

Music, Cooking and Coding

Music, Cooking and Coding

I love to do these hobbies. They are related to each other. Some similarities they have is that they are like puzzle pieces being put together.

In music different beats, sounds and notes put together make a song others can enjoy.

Cooking is putting together many ingredients to make one meal. Mom eyeballs her cooking and baking. It turns out to be the best.

Coding is putting together lines of code to build a solution.

Skill is needed for cooking, music, and coding.

No age limit exists for cooking, music or coding.

Many programmers/ developers we have met play a music instrument.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

Can and Can’t

Can and Can’t

These two words, with a difference of one letter and an apostrophe. The difference between these 2 words is action, attitude, mindset, and belief.

Basketball was a good reminder. Sometimes we played with teams I believed we could win against, and we played with an attitude, mindset, and belief we will win. Some we actually won and some we did not.

Let us not allow a single letter or apostrophe to change the plan.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

What’s your mindset?

What’s your mindset?

What is a mindset and how does it effect me? Your mindset is your determination. Your mindset is how you will accomplish a task and how hard you will work to accomplish that. A poor mindset is someone that would be lazy and always thinking I can’t do this or this is just too hard for me. A great mindset is someone who thinks that they can do anything and always positive about whatever life throws them. Let us do our best to have this same great mindset and not the poor mindset.

A positive mindset will help us dive into those territories where doubt and fear grip us!

1. Learning a new programming language.

2. Getting better in a programming language.

3. Encouraging a kid/ Mentoring a kid to learn how to code.

4. Be a blessing to someone you do not know.

The list goes on and on!



Here in North Carolina, we had high winds, thunderstorms, and flooding. Our phones constantly buzzed with flood alerts, a power outage in most areas. In all of these technology is intertwined, the meteorologist, the app developers have all worked together to give us information beforehand and on real-time.

Preparing kids as problem solvers is a necessity in the digital World!

Encourage a kid today to learn how to code!

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