End of season

End of season

The middle school basketball season has come to an end, we did not make it to the championship but I really enjoyed the game. I really wanted us to win our games but unfortunately, we did not win all our games, we were constantly restrategizing, players were changed, we worked on constantly learning new skills and improving skills we were familiar with. It was all about working together as a team.

These are the skills needed in jobs and hobbies. These are the skills needed in programming!

Super Bowl Coding

Super Bowl Coding

Yesterday was the NFL Super Bowl. It was a great game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events in American history. Our mission is to get coding as well known as the super bowl. What if all the kids and adults that watched the super bowl were introduced to coding? The coding community would be growing by the millions! Let us. continue to grow the community.

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