Calculate BMI – Codewars

Calculate BMI – Codewars

Today I completed the “Calculate BMI” kata on Codewars!

When I was writing the code and ran it, I at first was struggling about why it wasn’t working. Then I re-read the instructions and found that the height variable was meant to be a float. So I retyped the code and it worked!

Reading the instructions all the way before you start programming can make all the difference.

3 reasons why Kids should Start Coding at a Young Age!

Here, Timothy Amadi talks about 3 reasons why kids should start coding at a young age. We all need to bring kids to tech and show how they can change the world.

Introducing Kids to Coding

Eugene had the privilege to talk to 6-8-year-old boys and girls about coding at The Tender Hearts Nursery and Primary School in Nigeria! This was an amazing opportunity to tell kids about coding. He also was able to tell them about the fundamentals of computers, coding, and many more! He used the word “Obedience” to engage the kids.

How have you been able to introduce kids into coding this summer?

Keep up the hoop – Codewars

Keep up the hoop – Codewars

Today I completed the “Keep up the hoop” kata on Codewars!

Looking at the code, it was easy to see what to do: if at least 10 hula hoops were made, print a message; otherwise, print another message. Knowing this, I typed this code and it worked!

Learning how to hula hoop is like learning how to code. At first it may seem difficult, but keep trying until you’re great at it. Never give up!

What it takes to become a Programmer!

Hey! I just posted a video on our Youtube Channel! Come check it out! (surprise at the end!!)

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