Switch – Go on Sololearn

Switch – Go on Sololearn

Today I practiced Go on Sololearn! This time I went over the select statement, which is used to wait on multiple channel operations. It has similar syntax to a switch statement, but each case statement is a channel operation. It also waits for a channel to receive data and executes its case. Next time I will be reviewing everything we have learned!


Taking Care of your Responsibilities

Everyone has responsibilities. We all have tasks and duties to fulfill. Even on sports teams, players have a responsibility to their team that they will do what is asked. This is probably most important in a job setting. For example, a tech company can not be successful if the employees are writing lazy code or leaving empty holes in their programs. Let’s focus on teaching kids at a young age to fulfill their duties and responsibilities so they can be the best version of themselves.


Channels – Go on Sololearn

Today I practiced Go on Sololearn! This time I went over channels, which allow communication between Goroutines. This communication allows the program to wait for the Goroutines to finish executing. Next time I will be going over the select statement, which is used to wait on multiple channel operations!

Labor Day 2021

Daniel reflects on what Labor Day is all about and thanks the workers who put in their time to help us. Thank you so much for helping our country. We want to say that we care about those who gave their time for us.

Goroutines – Go on Sololearn

Today I practiced Go on Sololearn! This time I went over Goroutines, which allow for concurrency. A Time.sleep delays the program long enough to see the Goroutines in action. But the Goroutines have no way of knowing when one has stopped and another can begin. Next time I will go over channels, which allow for communication between Goroutines!

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