This past Saturday, I had a chance to go to Carowinds with my friends and family. We had so much fun riding rollercoasters and enjoying time together. Sometimes life can be like a rollercoaster ride. All the ups and downs and twists and turns can make life stressful and challenging to handle. For many people, it can cause anxiety as well. As I said with the “Rest” blog, It is important to sit back and enjoy life for what it is. The ups would not feel special if there weren’t any downs. It’s important to take it all in and think about how one can learn from every experience and opportunity. If I ever feel down, I like to list out things I am thankful for and look forward to better days ahead. Whenever I feel up and excited or happy, I make sure to savor the moment. These are the methods I use to handle the rollercoaster we ride every single day. 

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