The weatherman first broke the news about Hurricane Florence.
And it is here now. As the rain came down heavily, the trees swaying in a different direction! My brother asked me “What would we have done if there was no news”? Which basically means no TV, no Radio, and no internet. How would we have known that Hurricane Florence was coming? What was life like for people who live in areas with such a natural disaster? and I thought of the way change and help technology had brought.
Friends and family have called us from different parts of the world because they saw that Hurricane Florence is coming in our direction. Everyone was prepared, they bought flashlights, generators, canned food, candles. Some have gone to another state for safety.
Can you imagine if no one knew what was going to happen and Hurricane Florence suddenly showed up?
Kids at school, people at work. These are some of the differences technology has made. People are using apps to help people who are out there trying to keep people safe, keeping track of the storm, people are checking in their loved ones, people are capturing and sharing every moment. Even in a time like this, technology is making a whole lot of difference. There are many apps out there making a lot of difference but many problems still need to be solved, kids can solve those problems!

Don’t wait any longer, start learning how to code today!

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