Tom my friend loves to play basketball Uncle Peter his uncle played basketball in college. This is basketball season at the school, over the weekend Tom always invited us to join him to learn more skills from Uncle Peter so we can do better in our game during the week. During our practice Mrs. Peter always yelled in excitement, ‘Pass it on Peter’ after our practice on Saturday, she said to us, Uncle Peter is passing on basketball skills so that you can turn around and pass the same skills to another person, never keep your skills to yourself, pass it on!!
I thought about passing on our passions to others. Every time I am on LinkedIn I see job opening in TECH, every day and am thinking if every Developer can share a slice of their time to share all the skills needed in learning how to code and collaborating, our TECH community will grow, the tool to take part in today’s digital World is given, A different way of thinking is taught, math skills are enhanced in kids which is a tool needed to help us in STEM. All it takes is the desire to pass it on.
Pass on your skills, pass on your passion for a kid around you, to an adult, to your friends and family.
Pass it on!
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
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