I woke you on a beautiful Saturday and I looked around me, I have my notepad beside my bed where I write down ideas of either identifying a challenge or a solution that comes to my head.

One of the benefits of identifying a challenge and building a solution using code is not only the cool solution that is built but the discipline it takes to build the solution. When you identify a challenge, it sticks to your head and occupies your mind, you find yourself constantly processing all the solutions being built. I find myself asking questions and sometimes writing my codes on paper. Yes, you heard me, I sometimes write my code on paper, behind my notebooks at school. You can’t run your code on paper, I tell myself after I have done it, Oh yes, I find myself doing it. All I see is the codes in front of me. Programming/coding comes with a lot of discipline which helps us to stay focused.

Here at Bugzero.codes one of our missions is to combat online distraction and mischief while enhancing a high sense of discipline. Discipline helps to increases our productivity, it keeps us on task and really and truly who doesn’t want that? There are so many distractions in the digital World, too many things in your face all wanting your attention, that is one of the benefits of being able to code.

We believe Coding is for everyone including kids.

Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!!!

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