This Basketball season for me has been amazing, we won again today it was 57 and 47. I have made several baskets than I have ever made since I started playing in the school team. Practicing more than I have ever done have worked. In my spare time which I do several things, I have set aside time for basketball, I really practice or sometimes I watch professional basketball games, paying close attention has really helped. Looking back, I can say I ran around the court more, this season I realized the focus is mastering the skills. Basketball skills are dribbling, passing, shooting, rebound and defense. I started doing better as I continued to practice.
It is the first month of a new year, there are many things we want to do better, there are things we like to do, our passions, jobs, academics, sports and most importantly our families. For every area we want to make a change we need to do it better by mastering the set skills. For coding the skill needed to do better is PRACTICE. PRACTICING done correctly in the right way helps us to improve at the things we want to get better at which ultimately leads to excellence.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
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