Two days ago, we woke up to start the day and get ready for school, we pray together as a family, we go  into the bathroom to take a shower, we get dressed for school (we have to get all our clothing, socks, thermal wear, underwear ready the night before) after we get dressed, we go to mom to help out in either cooking, serving our breakfast or packing our lunch, while we are doing these, mom checks our hair if it is properly combed, our clothes if we ironed them properly, if we put lotion on our faces or not, if we have lotion on our bodies, if  we put all our books into our backpack after studying the previous night, after eating she ensures we take our supplements and then we go to school. It quickly occurred to me that this happens in TECH and this is how it happens in TECH.

The TECH community has changed the face of every profession within the last decade, it became the centerpiece, the forerunner of every profession, Technology checks in and protect every other profession. Technology is present when ideas are hatched, it is an essential integrative piece in the formation of organizations, hospital, bakeries, schools, startups, banks, staffing agencies, the printing press. The process of integrating Technology happens before these organizations are open to their customers or before it gets to the users.
Just like my brothers and I are checked before going out of the door, Technology checks every idea, it comes in contact with ideas in the formative stages of the idea and the building of every idea into an organization before getting to the customers/users.
Technology is a delicate, essential, important aspect of every profession in the Digital World and that gives every member of the TECH community a RESPONSIBILITY in the caring and nurturing of all other professions like mom does to her three boys.
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