Ask a kid to share an idea with you in an area he/she wants to make a change. Help to bring it to life!!
Many times as kids we have so many ideas, new ways of doing something, changing things that are already in existence,  sometimes ideas come from school, maybe during a class, sometimes from home. Ideas come in different ways and from different ways. Once we have the ideas, here is how we can bring it to life.
Words of encouragement – It is the first support we need, words of encouragement keep the idea going.
Exploring – Checking out different ways or methods of developing those ideas and bringing it to life.
Like minds – Surround yourself with people who embrace your vision.
Networking – Find people who will help to take the vision forward.
Disappointment – Sometimes it just does not go as planned. Disappointment causes us to sit back and rethink, sometimes to change our method or change the way we are doing it, sometimes it allows us to search deeper, sometimes a call for help.
Never give up – You can restart all over again!!!!! Keep working!!!
Ask a kid to share an idea with you in an area he/she wants to make a change. Help to bring it to life!!
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