A very popular video game has swept the entire world. Kids and adults are playing this game. Every kid is talking about this game. Before school, we are all talking about it, at lunchtime and after school. We are all talking about it. It is fun. Last week I told my classmate that game is “Powered by code, not just one programming language, but several of them!” There was silence on the table. I looked around the table, there were all kinds of facial expression showing unbelief, doubt, confusion, surprise, and shock.
I was stunned to see all those facial expressions!
C#, Lua, Javascript, Java, and Python are all programming languages that used in creating video games. The first game Timothy created was in Python, I still remember clearly that Saturday when he called us to come and play his game,  he made. He created that game after reading his python book.
I asked my friends, “How do you think video games were made?” Some said they have never given it a thought, some said drawing, some said something was added to the device that makes the objects move. Peter asked me “Are you saying that game creators are programmers”? This question left us on a 5-1.
Ask your kids or any child in your life   “Do you think video games are created by programmers?”
Send us your child’s reply on our website www.BugZero.codes.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
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