A wise farmer planted a grass because of its seed. He took time to care for his farm, at harvest time, he was very happy, he shared his harvest with the entire community, they named his seed wheat. They milled their wheat; they discovered they could also bake a lot of yummy things with the wheat. 7 years after the community had enjoyed experimenting with wheat and baking a lot of yummy food. They discovered they will soon be running out of wheat. The community had expanded in the last 7 years, the number of kids had increased, young men and women got married, some moved but many stayed back.

One day the entire village came together, to talk about this seed called wheat that has provided food for the community, given many new sources of the lively hood, allowed them to share with neighboring villages. The big question at that meeting was this amazing seed has brought a huge change to the community but like all things, we are beginning to face scarcity, what can be done?

The answer came from the wise farmer, who said, “Let us grow it”. Let us get our children involved, let us teach them how to grow this seed, let us teach them how to preserve this seed because it will be in their hands tomorrow.

Growing the TECH community is an urgent need and a great responsibility, Just like wheat is consumed in several countries of the World, it changed traditional recipes of many countries, gave employment to many, solved a challenge HUNGER. The wise farmer said “Let us grow it “Technology has expanded into every profession.

Let us grow the TECH community and include the kids!

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