On our way back from Basketball, Paul asked the team, why do you play sports? some answered with a question “why are you asking”? some said it is fun, some said I l just love basketball! Philip said something that left the entire team quit, he said ” I do school work, I prepare for my test and quizzes, I do my chores at home, I get ready for school, I have discovered my school work will always be there, it will only change later on in life to my job, my chores will always be there, either living with my parents, for now, living by myself later or living with my wife and family. There will always be something to do, but sports gives me time with my buddies, I learn the importance of teamwork in a fun atmosphere, I learn what teammate is all about, we all work together for the same goal. It keeps me fit!
I do school work, I do my chores, I code, and yes I play sport!
Let us code and play!!!
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