I love to read! I always want to learn new things. Do you love to read books? What kind of books do you like to read? Five years ago, in kindergarten, I read Oliver Twist, The Chronicles of Narnia, and so many other books. I love to go to the library to get books. A library is a fun place. When I got my first coding book, it was so much fun for me to read and do projects at the same time! During the summer, I do a lot of activities, and I still want to read and I get to read.

I know some people love to code, like me for example, but I do not let coding take over my life. I should still do well in academics and spend time with my family and friends. If you have time, yes, you can code, but don’t let coding get in between you and your family, friends, and schoolwork. Remember, if you go to school, you are always a student first.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

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