Yesterday morning, after we got ready for school, I opened the door, 3 steps out of the door, it was below freezing temperatures, I wore a very warm jacket, I  had my thermal wear under my shirt, my socks was thick and warm, I believed I was ready. But 3 steps out of the door showed I was not ready. My head told me I was not ready. My hands told me the same thing. The grass was frozen. Every day we hear and see solutions are built, creativity and innovations are springing up from all around the world. The Digital World is fast paced and I thought of my peers all over the world, some already taking a position in the digital world, while some may not be prepared, some may be prepared but not enough to withstand the changes, just like I thought I was ready for the temperature, when I got out of the door. I was not ready. I pondered, how do we get prepared for the digital world? It has started now.


Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!

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