SoloLearn – Go Structures (Eugene)

Today I did Structures on Go. I also did Declarations of Structures on Go on SoloLearn. The structures help with categorizing the code better and making it look neater!   Blog Topic Video!

“Grasshopper – Create the rooms” – Codewars

“Grasshopper – Create the rooms” – Codewars

Today I completed the "Grasshopper - Create the rooms" kata on Codewars! When I was writing the code and testing it, at first I couldn't understand why a syntax error was popping up. I thought I had typed in the syntax of the hash correctly. Then I realized that...

Coding for Marketers

Today I practiced Coding for Marketers on Sololearn! I created a simple HTML template for email with a title, a call to action section, and the main message. Let me know if you want me to continue this project! [video width="1152" height="720"...

The End of an Era

The End of an Era

Two weeks ago, my senior soccer season came to an end. The last four years have been incredible and I would not trade the experience for anything. I loved playing alongside my brother and making lasting memories with my friends and coaches. While I may not play soccer...

Thank you – Python for Finance

Today I practiced Python for Finance on Sololearn! This time, I reviewed everything we have learned about analyzing data, from stock correlations and volatility to Sharpe ratios and Efficient Frontiers. Thank you for being with me throughout this series on Python for...

Field Trip v2

Field Trip v2

My classmates and I, Timothy Amadi, had the chance to go to Norfolk, Virginia for a quick overnight. We got to tour the USS Wisconsin, Nauticus Museum, a Naval Cruise, Mount Trashmore, and Jamestown. We had a super fun time together on the beach Thursday evening and...

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