Labor Day 2022

Labor Day 2022

Today is a special day to rest. A day to take time and relax and look at all the work that you have done or others have done. While everyone is taking a time off, you can get started on coding. You can finish some projects that you either completely forgot about or...

Access Company Data – Python for Finance

Today I practiced Python for Finance on Sololearn! This time I continued on the yfinance package to access company data. I showed how to make a function that takes a ticker and outputs its return-on-equity. Next time I will be accessing stock prices! [video...

Using a Package – Python for Finance

Today I practiced Python for Finance on Sololearn! This time I used a package to scrape data from Yahoo Finance. The package I used makes it far easier to scrape data by automatically doing the work I had to do manually. Next time I will be accessing company data with...

Scraping Yahoo Finance – Python for Finance

Today I practiced Python for Finance on Sololearn! This time I scraped data from Yahoo Finance. To do this, I showed how to make a request header that Yahoo would validate. Then I used many of the methods from the last video to scrape data. Next time I will be using a...

Web Scraping with Pandas – Python for Finance

Today I practiced Python for Finance on Sololearn! This time I used the pandas module to do some basic web scraping. I used pandas to scrape a list of S&P 500 companies from Wikipedia. I also showed how to filter results. Next time I will be scraping data from...

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