DataFrame – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over the DataFrame, which allows you to hold elements of different data types in two dimensions. I also went over how to create a DataFrame and access the columns in one. Next time I will be going over DataFrame...

Matrices – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over the basics of matrices, a two-dimensional data set with rows and columns. I demonstrated how to access individual columns or rows and how to transpose them. Next time I will be going over DataFrames in R! [video...

Lists – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over lists, which can hold multiple elements of varying types. I also went over a shorthand of accessing a list's elements and merging two lists. Next time I will be going over matrices! #rlanguage #sololearn...

Getting into the Swing of Things

One month into the new year, and we are getting into the swing of things. Start the new year right by learning a new programming language. It will surprise you how easy it can be!

Doing Things at the Right Time

Doing Things at the Right Time

An instrumentalist can play a piece of music and play all the right notes, but if it's not the right rhythm or played at the wrong time, it's just as bad as a wrong note! The same can be applied to life. It's important to know when to start and end different...

Teamwork in Spirit Week

Teamwork in Spirit Week

This past week was spirit week at our school. Each class also had an assigned wall in the gymnasium to decorate. Since my 11th-grade class is the biggest, we had two walls to fill up. If it was one or two people working on it, it would never have been finished in...

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