Programming in R Review – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I reviewed the concepts we have learned in this unit, such as logical operators, loops, and functions. Next time I will be going over a new unit about data structures! [video width="1152" height="720"...

Return – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over the return statement, which allows you to store the value calculated by a function. I also discussed how most built-in functions return values. Next time I will be going over everything we have learned! [video...

User-defined Functions – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over user-defined functions, made by the user with a given syntax and parameters. I also went over default parameters, which provide a default value for a missing parameter, and the difference between parameters and...

Functions – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over the basics of functions and how to use them. I also went over parameters and the role they play in functions. Next time I will be going over how to make your own functions [video width="864" height="540"...

Break and Next – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! I went over the break statement, which allows you to break out of a loop prematurely. I also went over the next statement, which allows you to skip an iteration of the loop. Next time I will be going over functions! [video...

Loops – R on Sololearn

Yesterday I practiced R on Sololearn! This time I went over loops, which allow you to run the same code multiple times while using less code. I also went over the for loop, which iterates over a given sequence. Next time I will be going over the break and next...

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