Data Types – R on Sololearn

Today I practiced R on Sololearn! Due to a change of plans, I went over data types instead of comments. I went over integers and strings, and the basics to each of them. Next time I will be going over basic math and booleans! [video width="1152" height="720"...

Introduction – R on Sololearn

Today I have started on a new programming language: R! R is the number 1 choice for data scientists and analysts. It is also the most widely used statistics programming language. Next time I will be going over comments on R! [video width="1152" height="720"...

Concurrency Review – Go on Sololearn

Today I practiced Go on Sololearn! This time I reviewed everything we have learned about concurrency, from Goroutines to channels to the select statement. Let me know if you want to see me try other languages! [video width="1280" height="720"...

Switch – Go on Sololearn

Switch – Go on Sololearn

Today I practiced Go on Sololearn! This time I went over the select statement, which is used to wait on multiple channel operations. It has similar syntax to a switch statement, but each case statement is a channel operation. It also waits for a channel to receive...

Taking Care of your Responsibilities

Everyone has responsibilities. We all have tasks and duties to fulfill. Even on sports teams, players have a responsibility to their team that they will do what is asked. This is probably most important in a job setting. For example, a tech company can not be...

Channels – Go on Sololearn

Today I practiced Go on Sololearn! This time I went over channels, which allow communication between Goroutines. This communication allows the program to wait for the Goroutines to finish executing. Next time I will be going over the select statement, which is used to...

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