by BugZeroCodes | Aug 24, 2021 | Blog
Daniel Amadi had the chance to talk to 6-8-year-old boys and girls about coding at The Tender Hearts Nursery and Primary School in Nigeria! This was an amazing opportunity to tell kids about every day things that use code. He talked about Traffic Lights, Computers, Phones and so much more!
by BugZeroCodes | Aug 18, 2021 | Blog
Eugene had the privilege to sing with one of his teachers at church on a song called “I’ll Never Forsake You”. He was so happy to be able to sing about his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Eugene loves music and the way the notes and rhythm flow during the song. Playing the trombone and singing are hobbies that he really enjoys doing every day!
by BugZeroCodes | Aug 15, 2021 | Blog
Today I practiced more Go on Sololearn! This time, I went over array slices, dynamically-sized views into the contents of an array. Go also has a make function, which allows you to make slices and dynamically-sized arrays. This function goes hand-in-hand with the append function, which adds elements to the array.
by BugZeroCodes | Aug 14, 2021 | Blog
Today I practiced Go on Sololearn and go over structs! I learned about structs, collections of fields that allow you to group data, and pointers, special variables that hold the memory address of values. The goal of the course was to fill out name fields and creating pointers.
#kidswhocode #go #sololearn #problemsolvers #programming
by BugZeroCodes | Aug 9, 2021 | Blog
Today I completed the “Calculate BMI” kata on Codewars!
When I was writing the code and ran it, I at first was struggling about why it wasn’t working. Then I re-read the instructions and found that the height variable was meant to be a float. So I retyped the code and it worked!
Reading the instructions all the way before you start programming can make all the difference.
by BugZeroCodes | Aug 9, 2021 | Blog
Here, Timothy Amadi talks about 3 reasons why kids should start coding at a young age. We all need to bring kids to tech and show how they can change the world.
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