“Grasshopper – Terminal game Turn Function” – Codewars

“Grasshopper – Terminal game Turn Function” – Codewars

Today I completed the “Grasshopper – Terminal game Turn Function” kata on Codewars!

Looking at the instructions, I knew I had to call six functions in a specific order. The question was, “Which order?” After some trial and error, I found the order: rollDice, move, combat, getCoins, buyHealth, and printStatus. I ran this code and it worked!

Soccer Camp

Soccer Camp

This past week, Daniel had the opportunity to volunteer at a soccer camp. It was a camp for rising 4th graders to rising 9th graders. We had a lot of fun and the kids were so excited to learn the great game of soccer! We taught skills like passing, teamwork, and ball control. The biggest thing that the kids learned was teamwork. They learned how they can use all of their different skillsets to win the games. That is what camp is all about!

“Grasshopper – Array Mean” – Codewars

Today I completed a “Grasshopper – Array Mean” kata on Codewars!

Terminal game move function – Codewars

Today I complete a “Terminal game move function” kata on Codewars!

*Sorry for the black screen during the introduction.

Behind the Scenes – Codewars

Today I made a special video that takes you behind the scenes of a Codewars blog!


“Grasshopper – Order of operations” – Codewars

“Grasshopper – Order of operations” – Codewars

Today I completed the “Grasshopper – Order of operations” kata on Codewars!

Looking at the code and what I had to do, I at first was struggling over how to make the code output 32 without changing the number or operations used. Then, as I was thinking it through, I realized I could use parentheses to change the result. I tried the code and it worked!

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