Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have died for our country and for our freedom. We want to thank all the people that have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our nation. We should never take our freedom for granted.
Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have died for our country and for our freedom. We want to thank all the people that have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our nation. We should never take our freedom for granted.
Today I completed the “Quarter of the year” kata on Codewars!
Looking at the code, it was easy to see what to do: if the month(a number) was at least equal to 1 but smaller than 13, output a number from 1-12. Knowing this, I typed the code and it worked
Today I completed the “How many lightsabers do you own?” kata on Codewars!
It didn’t take long to see what to do: if a given name is equal to ‘Zach’, return 18; otherwise, return 0. Knowing this, I wrote the code and it worked!
And don’t forget: don’t hog all the lightsabers!
Today I completed the “Returning Strings” kata on Codewars!
Looking at the code, I could easily see what to do: write a return statement that returns a string in this format: “Hello, <name> how are you doing today?” Knowing this, I wrote the statement and it worked
Today I completed the “Will you make it?” kata on Codewars!
The code called for a function that took the miles away from a gas pump, a car’s miles/gal, and how many gallons of fuel are left. Based on this data, it should return true if the car would make it to the pump and false if otherwise. So I went into the code, wrote the function, and it worked!
Today I completed the “The highest profit wins!” kata on Codewars!
I had to make an array that returns the largest and smallest numbers from a provided array. Not knowing how to do this, I looked up suggestions and found Math.min.apply and Math.max.apply. Using these two, I wrote a simple return statement and it worked!
When you don’t know how to do something, look up a guide to help you!
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