by BugZeroCodes | May 5, 2021 | Blog
Today I completed the Stay Hydrated! kata on Codewars!
Looking at the code, it was easy to see what I had to do: multiply 0.5 by the provided hours and return the rounded result. Thus, I wrote the code to do this, and it worked!
Remember: stay hydrated!
by BugZeroCodes | Apr 25, 2021 | Blog
Eugene has learned how Java is a key programming language. Eugene learned about databases and how to use them, conditionals and control flow, arrays and array lists, and so much more! Java can be used for software development, mobile applications, and large systems development.
by BugZeroCodes | Apr 12, 2021 | Blog
Today I completed the “Paul’s Misery” kata on Codewars!
When I looked at the code, it looked familiar: add the scores depending on what was in the list, and if the scores were less than one number but greater than(or equal to) another, say something. Knowing this, I coded the script and it worked!
This was my first kata done in Java!
by BugZeroCodes | Apr 6, 2021 | Blog
As a basketball player, I work hard to be the best kind of player that I can be. Obviously, it would be great to win a state championship, but my goal every day is to be better at basketball than I was yesterday. We should apply this to everything else we do. Not many people have been successful on their first try. We should be working by taking small steps to reach our goals. If we have trust in the fact that every day our work was not vain or a waste of time, we can achieve anything we want to.
by BugZeroCodes | Apr 5, 2021 | Blog
Today I completed the Grasshopper – Personalized Message kata on Codewars!
Looking at the code, it was easy to see what to do: check if the name was equal to the owner and if so, to say “Hello boss”; otherwise, “Hello guest”. Knowing this, I made a condition to check this, and it worked!
by BugZeroCodes | Mar 29, 2021 | Blog
Today I completed the Grasshopper – Variable Assignment Debug kata on Codewars!
When I looked at the code, I could quickly see the problem: instead of using the assignment operator, it was using the equal to operator. Knowing this, I fixed the code and it worked!
The =(variable assignment operator) and ==(equal to operator) are very easy to confuse. Know the difference!
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