Incorrect division method Kata – Codewars
Today I completed the ‘Incorrect division method’ Kata on Codewars!
The buggy code was caused by the absence of one of the variables. I divided X by the missing variable Y and the code worked!
Check your code to make sure all the variables you intend to use are being used.
Super Duper Easy Kata – Codewars
Today I completed the Super Duper Easy Kata on Codewars!
It was difficult to figure out how to check if the parameter was a string. I looked it up and found a method called typeof that returns what type the value is. So I wrote a condition to check if the parameter was a string and return the word “Error” if so. And it worked!
Never give up. Look for help with your problems.

Grasshopper Kata – Codewars
Today I completed the Grasshopper – Debug Kata on Codewars!
When I looked at the code and instructions, I could find errors all over the code. I read the instructions and after a few tests, managed to make the code work!
Don’t give up because the code isn’t working. Look through it for hidden bugs.

Factorial Kata part 2 – Codewars
Two days ago, I completed a Factorial Kata on Codewars!
It went well until I got stuck. As I was looking for the problem, I realized that the code to throw an error only checked if the number was negative, whereas it also had to check if the number was greater than 12. Realizing this, I went back, rewrote the code, and saw that it worked!

Codewars – Factorial Kata
Today Timothy Amadi completed the Factorial kata on Codewars!
He used Javascript to write the code that made it work!
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