How is the lockdown going for you?

How is the lockdown going for you?

In the mind of a Web Developer Part 1

In the mind of a Web Developer Part 1

When you look in the mind of a Web Developer, he does websites. He thinks of ways he can improve on the website and make it better. For instance, HTML. HTML is a programming language for web design. When a web developer starts up a new website he needs to set up a structure. Find out more in the coming days for part 2!

Summer indoors

Summer indoors

Even though there isn’t many places we can go, we can still make this a “Summer to remember”! What are some things you can do as a parent to make this summer unforgettable for your kids.?

School Is Out!

School Is Out!

For the past 2 months, we have been adapting to online classes and we are glad to say that we are officially on summer vacation! Not like we can go anywhere, but no school is always a good thing right? This summer, we are excited to do a lot of things that we have never tried before. What do you want to do this summer?

Timothy playing the piano

When I Survey the wonderous cross, By Timothy Amadi

Cousins coloring

We spent time with our cousins. We had a great time! What fun thing have you done during this quarantine? Did u teach a kid to code? Or maybe encouraging a kid to code? Hmmm…. probably learning a new skill!

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