Cousins coloring

We spent time with our cousins. We had a great time! What fun thing have you done during this quarantine? Did u teach a kid to code? Or maybe encouraging a kid to code? Hmmm…. probably learning a new skill!

Staying positive through this time

We need understand and recognize that we can do this!

Eugene playing trombone

A King’s Dance, by Eugene Amadi.

Sewing video

What new skills are you learning at home? Today, we have continued our sewing journey. The fabric has come in and we are cutting it to be ready to be sewn. What do you think we’re sewing?

The Time Machine

Even though it seems like this virus will never go away, one day it will. That same day, we will only be able to look back. This piece is calledĀ The Time MachineĀ and is played by Daniel Amadi.

Easter 2020

Happy Easter everyone! Even though we can not go to church, we can still celebrate this special holiday!

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