by BugZeroCodes | Feb 10, 2020 | Blog
What is a mindset and how does it effect me? Your mindset is your determination. Your mindset is how you will accomplish a task and how hard you will work to accomplish that. A poor mindset is someone that would be lazy and always thinking I can’t do this or this is just too hard for me. A great mindset is someone who thinks that they can do anything and always positive about whatever life throws them. Let us do our best to have this same great mindset and not the poor mindset.
A positive mindset will help us dive into those territories where doubt and fear grip us!
1. Learning a new programming language.
2. Getting better in a programming language.
3. Encouraging a kid/ Mentoring a kid to learn how to code.
4. Be a blessing to someone you do not know.
The list goes on and on!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 7, 2020 | Blog
Here in North Carolina, we had high winds, thunderstorms, and flooding. Our phones constantly buzzed with flood alerts, a power outage in most areas. In all of these technology is intertwined, the meteorologist, the app developers have all worked together to give us information beforehand and on real-time.
Preparing kids as problem solvers is a necessity in the digital World!
Encourage a kid today to learn how to code!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 5, 2020 | Blog
The middle school basketball season has come to an end, we did not make it to the championship but I really enjoyed the game. I really wanted us to win our games but unfortunately, we did not win all our games, we were constantly restrategizing, players were changed, we worked on constantly learning new skills and improving skills we were familiar with. It was all about working together as a team.
These are the skills needed in jobs and hobbies. These are the skills needed in programming!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 3, 2020 | Blog
Yesterday was the NFL Super Bowl. It was a great game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events in American history. Our mission is to get coding as well known as the super bowl. What if all the kids and adults that watched the super bowl were introduced to coding? The coding community would be growing by the millions! Let us. continue to grow the community.
by BugZeroCodes | Jan 31, 2020 | Blog
Today’s kids will never know what everyday life looks like without the internet and all that the digital world offers. The World of numbers, the zeros and one, the world of data and algorithms. Where logic and critical thinking is a skill that cannot be ignored.
Developing these skills is the way forward, how can kids learn these skills?
Learning how to code today!
by BugZeroCodes | Jan 29, 2020 | Blog
The world is now a global village connected on devices. The phone gives access and connection to people far and near, storing and sharing data. The phone is a little device which was meant for only conversation but now that has changed. How do we share/ rediscover everything that is behind our phone? Teaching and preparing kids for the digital world is teaching all that is behind the device. Yes, behind the phone are lines and lines of code.
How can kids get to know, see and communicate in the language of the digital World?
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