Life Skills

Life Skills

Basketball season has been awesome! We have not had many wins on the court but it has been many teaching moments, such as:

1. Accepting failure
2. Patience
3. How to react when you are disappointed.

These skills applies to all areas of life. Coding is a skill that teaches so much. Empowering kids with these skills is a necessity for every child.

An evaluation

An evaluation

The greatest consumers of technology are kids. The youngest age bracket who get exposed to technology are kids. These are great! The big question is how can we use these to bring about a change?

How can kids go from consumers of technology to developers/innovators/creators?

The answer is spark curiosity in the mind of a kid today about technology.

The next project

The next project

2020 has kicked off. We have some great projects we will be sharing with you soon. We have some big ideas on how to move the mission forward, some weak, and some great.

Do you have new goals/ big idea/ next-level projects? Have you been doing the same thing for a long time? Maybe you want to change.

New heights and great aspirations are all possible as long as you stay focus on the journey. 

How about reaching out to a kid? We can all can do that! Let make changes in our communities!




One of the biggest life skills kids should learn is being able to teach themselves. If a kid can learn without a teacher or a guide and be able to understand coding on their own, they will be MILES ahead of everyone else. How can kids learn to stay focused and teach themselves?



This is a big one! It always is better to find what you enjoy doing. It makes a lot of sense and is true because when we do something we truly enjoy, it becomes truly fun.

Without commitment, we may never do the things we enjoy very well.

Commitment to improving our skill set helps us to get the project done better, and faster.

Have you made new commitments?

Starting with the little things around us can help in many ways.

Teaching a kid to code is a commitment we all can make in growing the tech community and getting a kid ready for the digital world.



Learning independently and continuously makes the tech industry unique. It is a professional industry where the newbie and those who have been on it for a long time can work together. 

Passing on knowledge, expertise and being a soundboard are all wonderful qualities necessary for kids to enjoy as we welcome more kids into the tech industry.
Are you mentoring a kid?
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