Basketball is the Fun

Basketball is the Fun

Basketball is fun. Full of energy excitement, learning skills, and different strategies. This season has been great with many lessons to learn. Accepting failure and restrategizing is something to keep in mind every day and learn from it.

Sometimes it’s easier to give up in the middle of something especially when you have a conviction that it is over. This was Friday at our basketball game. We lost but I won’t give up until I have given my best. I won’t give up on the play! We will restrategize as a team!

Maybe you gave up on your goals, maybe there is still one more way you can achieve that goal, how about embracing your failure and restrategizing?



A habit is a repetition of good or bad behavior. I did an evaluation of those constant repetitive behavior. What are they helping me do? Is it to get better, stop, forget those good character qualities that will propel me towards my goal for the year 2020?

I will need to change all the bad ones, particularly not having enough time to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of coding a day.

What habits do you struggle with?



We have had so many conversations about this year 2020. We have done lots of planning on how we can make things happen and ways to move the mission forward.

Thank you to all who gave us suggestions. This is just one of the many letters of suggestion and encouragement.

Keep the vision in front of you and every day ask yourself what am I contributing to the vision?

My question today to you is what are you doing to reach your goals?

What can we do differently?

What can we do differently?

Many people around this time like to make new year resolutions. Although they are a great idea, many people do not follow up on them. So instead of resolutions, we want to know what can we do better this year 2020? If you have any ideas or events you want us to be at, send us an email through our website on the “contact us” page.

BugZeroCodes 2019 recap


We have come to an end of 2019. We are all very excited about 2020, the beginning of a new decade

Our Decision

Our Decision

2019 was an amazing year! We have so much to be thankful for in 2019! It was a privilege to get to know so many amazing people. We finally got the book project going and the journey kicked off, we came across new opportunities to bring kids to tech, but we missed some great opportunities as well. Sometimes we got discouraged, the lost opportunities have allowed us to continue press on! One sure decision we have made is to never give up!!!

To our cheerleaders, some we have met and some we may never meet. We just want to say thank you for cheering us on.

To mom, you are the best! you have made so many sacrifices for us. Every day you give up something so that we can have or do whatever was a need.
We love you, mom!


Looking forward to all the new and exciting things ahead!
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