Cooking and Coding

Cooking and Coding

Mom loves to cook and she cooks a lot. Most of our food is from scratch. We started learning how to cook rice, fry plaintain, saute vegetables, bake cookies and so much more. It just occurred to me they are similarities between cooking and coding. Let us list a few similarities:

Similarities between coding and cooking

Organization – In coding, we use data structure in arranging our lines of code, In cooking, we arrange our ingredients

Display – In coding we display our work in the frontend and backend, In cooking, we display our food in the kitchen and on the table.

Solving challenge(s) – Coding solves several challenges, cooking solves hunger, nutrition, and health.

Don’t give up

Don’t give up

This year has been a very interesting one, looking back we got some things done, the book project and many things yet undone. New ideas and new directions have shown up which we are very grateful and thankful. They are some we need to continue to push and press. Mom will always say until you get the desired results, it sometimes feels like you did not try. It is the end of the year and today is the beginning of a new day.

Don’t give up! It’s never too late!

Christmas concert

Christmas concert

On Friday it was my school Christmas concert. It was amazing!!!! No wonder music and programming are connected. It was a beautiful collaboration. An amazing teamwork celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Special thanks to all my A+ teachers at school and all the students at my school. It is one of the highlights of the school year.

Counting down

Counting down

We have a few weeks to the end of the year. Doing an evaluation allows us to see the many wins, many losses, and sometimes regrets that we face every day.
The wins are wonderful, the losses are turning points, strategizing for a better comeback. The regrets are teaching moments. Maybe you learned something new. Maybe you gave up doing something you now wish you didn’t, maybe you wish you did it differently. I have good news for you. It is never late to learn a new skill. Today is a new day.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

Time to spark curiosity

Time to spark curiosity

Yesterday I went to the store, there were so many smart toys in the store, which was very nice. How do we tell every kid who plays with a smart toy, the movement, sound and esthetic we enjoy is powered by code? It is not magical! Having those conversations is great especially now when many kids will have their eyes on smart toys.

Let us spark curiosity!



How was your Thanksgiving? How much food did you eat? How many relatives were at the house? We hope you all had a fantastic time with friends and family and family. We are thankful for friends, family, school family, church family and many people who have helped us in several ways this year. What are you thankful for?

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