Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving Week

It is Thanksgiving week and we are so excited! There is going to be lots of fun, talking, friends and family, but most importantly, food! Let’s not forget though what thanksgiving is all about. It is about giving thanks. Should we be thankful only at thanksgiving time? No, of course not! We should be thankful all the time and have a heart of gratitude every single day no matter what the circumstances are. I hope everyone has a great week as we continue to be reminded of this awesome time of year.

How do we reach kids?

How do we reach kids?

The digital World centered around lines of code, so beautiful yet has a stigma. Removing this stigma and allowing its radiance to be seen by everyone including kids will bring kids to tech. We can make that change.

How do we present problem-solving?

Don’t wait any longer to encourage a kid to learn how to code today!



One major similarity between soccer, basketball, concert band, symphony, and coding is teamwork. Coming together for a goal is so great. Sometimes they may be disagreements or differences in perspective, but that’s what helps in building an amazing solution or goal.
One of the benefits of learning how to code is learning teamwork, how to work with others to achieve a goal, it is a skill set necessary for today’s digital world.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

All State

All State

This past weekend, we had a wonderful opportunity to play in the concert band at the annual NCCSA All State Band Clinic where different schools come together and learn new things about band and practice on thursday and friday, then on saturday we perform. We had a great time and love meeting and playing music instruments with other kids.



One frequently asked question we get is: What language should I learn first?
This is a very interesting question. For me, I learned Python.
My recommendation is Python and Ruby. Why? Ruby looks more like a human language.

Don’t wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!



Everyone struggles with patience. The idea of waiting for something or someone is not easy. We live in a world where everything happens in just one day or maybe just a click, but let’s be patient with programing. Programming is not a skill that will just happen, it takes time, work, perseverance, and repetition. You may not get it the first time, but keep working on it little by little.

The apps we all use was not built in one day or by one person.

Don’t wait any longer to start learning how to code today!

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