

Everyone struggles with patience. The idea of waiting for something or someone is not easy. We live in a world where everything happens in just one day or maybe just a click, but let’s be patient with programing. Programming is not a skill that will just happen, it takes time, work, perseverance, and repetition. You may not get it the first time, but keep working on it little by little.

The apps we all use was not built in one day or by one person.

Don’t wait any longer to start learning how to code today!



In the last couple of months we have been working on logic, breaking down task to small pieces and staying organized. We all have different ways or methods to develop an app which is really great, it’s like going on a journey one destination several routes.

Learning how to think logically is a skill set many people can acquire, it needs practice and patience.

Don’t wait any longer to start learning how to code today!



Putting the task in the right order sometimes is not as easy as it sounds, recently we started a wonderful project that we worked on, but it took us a while to organize our to do. They were tasks I felt should be first, but my brothers felt differently about my order and they had good reasons. We have to work together to get our lines of code to do what needed to be done in the right order.

Organizing our priorities in the right order is one of the skills acquired from coding.

Making a change

Making a change

Making a change is such a great mindset. How do we equip ourselves to make a change?

1. We must believe in that change.

2. Prepare to hear it is impossible and continue with your plan.

3. Do not give up.

4. Learn from others.

5. Be creative with how to pass the message.

6. Learn more.

7. Don’t allow failure to stop you.

8. Patience

9. Continuity

Evaluation in November

Evaluation in November

The month of November is an amazing month, the cool weather becomes more real, the beautiful trees begin to change, flood watch notice begins to increase, basketball season starts, and we begin to prepare for thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is great!!!!! It is a time of reflection, evaluation, and appreciation.

Take time to make a list of your blessings, you will be grateful!

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