Kids introduction to tech

Kids introduction to tech

Recently I was thinking about this topic, Kids introduction to tech, and I came to a realization that it starts as early as the kid is born. You may wonder how? Kids get to see adults use the phone and as they begin to grow, from 0 to 6 months to 1 year, they want to use the phone. Kids love Alexa in our homes. Some kids dance when they play music on Alexa. That is an introduction to technology. Most of the time, kids don’t know that the Netflix they watch is all powered by code. How can we make a change? How can we connect coding to the finish product kids enjoy, so as to spark curiosity and open up and avenue to learn?
“Kids introduction to tech starts as early as they are born.”

Book project


Our mission at is to BRING KIDS TO TECH. Through our book project we will be introducing, sparking curiosity and engaging kids of all ages into coding. Every page is fun and exciting. It is a treasure for every family.

We have no doubt that our peers will soon take their place in today’s digital World.



If you ever want to look for the tech community in your area, look up some events that are happening! Everywhere across the country are events that you can go to hear about what is happening in the tech community. There are so many amazing speakers out there. Who can give a you better understanding to help you further your programming adventure.

Friday 19, A memorable day for us

Friday 19, A memorable day for us

Friday 19 was a memorable day for us. We woke up excited as we would be visiting Eliassen. We got to Eliassen and did an Easter egg hunt with such amazing people in the office, we had such a good time looking for the eggs. Eugene found a lot of eggs followed by mom. We toured the office. It was so wonderful to see what a developmental environment looks like. After that, we went to Kimberley Horn, which was an amazing surprise.
We met Mr. Michael, who showed us some cool apps they use for work, gave us an insight of the TECH industry a few years back which we compared to today, and a lot of improvement has been done in comparison to today. When we got back to Eliassen, we got a big surprise. It was a donation from TRIAGILE and Eliassen to support the book project. That was a big surprise. We also had lunch with the entire staff of Eliassen, we are very grateful.

Thank you to all the staff of Eliassen who put together the entire event, a lot of people worked together to make this possible, Mrs. Herbstreit thank you so much. Mr. Levithan words are not enough for your kindness and support.

How can we grow the tech community?

How can we grow the tech community?

In our home
Our homes are the strongest incubators for growing the TECH community.

Our community
The community centers around us is another great place for us to grow the tech community.

Don’t wait any longer start growing the TECH community today!

There are many things that make coding fun!

There are many things that make coding fun!

Here is one of them
Python, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails have features where you can draw/color your web page or IDLE. It’s exciting seeing the clean edges when using the turtle in python, or adding CSS to your HTML web page to change the color of your title, headings or even the whole background!
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