by BugZeroCodes | Feb 15, 2019 | Blog
Today we are celebrating the end of our basketball season because we are CHAMPIONS! We worked hard as a team since November, we are able to bring our school a trophy.
As a programmer when you work hard, it is fulfilling building a solution to a challenge that has been around for too long. It takes practice, persistence, and patience to finish.
When the lines of code run without bugs, they are!!!!!!!
We did it!!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 13, 2019 | Blog
Yesterday I was thinking of how languages are taught? Babies hear conversation from parents/adults/older kids around, they want to repeat the words they have heard, they begin to read lips, they watch reactions, their vocabulary gradually begins to increase, they pronounce certain words which are not correct, it becomes the family joke. As the baby gets older every day he or she desires to write.
Some take to papers in the house, some take to the wall in the house when books are introduced it is a continuous learning course.
This is how a child learns a language. Fluency in the language takes time but it is guaranteed.
A programming language is the same, babies are not afraid to attempt to say a word, babies make mistakes, babies learn and become fluent so also is coding.
This again proves the fact and our beliefs ” Everyone can code INCLUDING kids.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 11, 2019 | Blog
Every journey has an end. I have constantly talked about basketball. Sports is a great way of seeing and understanding teamwork. This season was great! Everyone had to learn every position. Point guard, shooting guard, small forward, Power forward and center. Which was
very interesting. Everyone of us could play all these positions. Individually, we made the next person better. We helped one another to score, it was never about one person. We got better because we practiced the skills correctly, we have the best coach, he always said “play together”
Playing together made it more fun, and enjoyable.
In coding, constant practice is how we get better, teamwork is the key, the backend, front end, testers all work together and we see a finished product.
I got an MVP ( Most valuable player) my team mates and coach made me better.
I have a privilege of keeping the plaque but it belongs to my entire team!!!!
Let us all play together to bring kids to Tech.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 8, 2019 | Blog
A wise farmer
planted a grass because of its seed. He took time to care for his
farm, at harvest time, he was very happy, he shared his harvest with the entire
community, they named his seed wheat. They milled their wheat; they
discovered they could also bake a lot of yummy things with the wheat.
7 years after the community had enjoyed experimenting with wheat and baking a
lot of yummy food. They discovered they will soon be running out of wheat. The
community had expanded in the last 7 years, the number of kids had increased,
young men and women got married, some moved but many stayed back.
One day the entire
village came together, to talk about this seed called wheat that has provided
food for the community, given many new sources of the lively hood, allowed them
to share with neighboring villages. The big question at that meeting was this
amazing seed has brought a huge change to the community but like all things, we
are beginning to face scarcity, what can be done?
The answer came from
the wise farmer, who said, “Let us grow it”. Let us get our children
involved, let us teach them how to grow this seed, let us teach them how to
preserve this seed because it will be in their hands tomorrow.
Growing the TECH
community is an urgent need and a great responsibility, Just like wheat is
consumed in several countries of the World, it changed traditional recipes
of many countries, gave employment to many, solved a challenge HUNGER. The wise
farmer said “Let us grow it “Technology has expanded into every profession.
Let us grow the TECH
community and include the kids!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 6, 2019 | Blog
I remember the first time we wanted to make cookies. Let me first tell you, mom’s homemade cookies? They are the best! I remembered the first time she was making it. I wondered how it can be done. How we can switch from the regular flour to almond flour, change from sugar to maple syrup or honey, dark cocoa nibs instead of raisins, organic butter and baking soda, etc. I looked at the ingredients, and they were different. I felt it will not taste good even before trying it. I remember saying I can’t eat this. My brothers tried it. Eugene told me it is the best cookies! Really! he reassured me I will love it.With doubt, I gave it a try! It was the best.Sometimes lines of code looks intimidating, the first time we see it, we sometimes say, I can’t! This is not for me! Giving it a try and staying consistent to seeing it solve a challenge or being more efficient is amazing. The difference between Can and Can’t is an apostrophe and the letter t. Sometime a little doubt can stop us from exploring an amazing coding adventure. Let us conquer that fear!!!
Don’t wait any longer, start learning how to code today!
by BugZeroCodes | Feb 4, 2019 | Blog
A very popular video game has swept the entire world. Kids and adults are playing this game. Every kid is talking about this game. Before school, we are all talking about it, at lunchtime and after school. We are all talking about it. It is fun. Last week I told my classmate that game is “Powered by code, not just one programming language, but several of them!” There was silence on the table. I looked around the table, there were all kinds of facial expression showing unbelief, doubt, confusion, surprise, and shock.
I was stunned to see all those facial expressions!
C#, Lua, Javascript, Java, and Python are all programming languages that used in creating video games. The first game Timothy created was in Python, I still remember clearly that Saturday when he called us to come and play his game, he made. He created that game after reading his python book.
I asked my friends, “How do you think video games were made?” Some said they have never given it a thought, some said drawing, some said something was added to the device that makes the objects move. Peter asked me “Are you saying that game creators are programmers”? This question left us on a 5-1.
Ask your kids or any child in your life  “Do you think video games are created by programmers?”
Send us your child’s reply on our website
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
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