Christmas Special
Christmas is so special because it celebrates the birth of our Savior.
Christmas is so special because it celebrates the birth of our Savior.
One of the things I enjoy at this time of the year is the getting together to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOR Jesus Christ. We get together with Friends and family we play, talk, eat and catch up with all that has happened in the past year. I am really looking forward to this year.
We can spark curiosity about the Digital World, the pace it is going, the shortage in the fastest growing industry, the many ways to get involved and why choose the TECH industry.
Some friends/family members are thinking of changing careers, some are about to start a career, some are still thinking of what direction in terms of career they may take. Remember EVERYONE can code.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
The Year 2018 has almost ended. Christmas is a time, we celebrate the birthday of our SAVIOR!
During the snow, state of emergency was declared so school was closed. I talked with my friends; we talked more about Christmas gifts and what we all wanted. Everyone wants something the digital World is offering from phones, video games, toys some wanted game subscription. We talked about all the cool features our gifts could have.
I shared our experience when we visited Limited Run a gaming company I told them the many lines of code behind the games we play. Peter asked really? coding? Are you sure? We talked about Lua, C++, and Python. It was an eye-opener. We kids need to know that all the smart things around us became smart because of programming. The games, the toys, the devices that talk to us are all doing so because of programming. Some have lines of code, some have artificial intelligence.
Giving a gift may be a time to share a word about TECH with a kid to get us thinking, to place coding/programming in front of a kid, it may be a time to spark curiosity.Â
Tell a kid
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today.
Winter is upon us which brings snow, snowflakes, snow angles, and best of all, it’s Christmas Time! Here in Raleigh, NC we had a winter snow storm come through the triangle. We got about 5½ inches of snow from Sunday morning to afternoon. Because of technology, meteorologists were able to track the snow storm and give us a fairly accurate prediction of how much snow we could expect to get. I even have friends that lost power. Without coding and the technology we have today, we would never be able to protect ourselves and make well-planned actions.
I had a reflection two days ago right after basketball. We did not win, but it was very close. The difference was one point. The high post was guarding his man when he drives to the basket and got the shot off and made it. It was one point. Our ball and we go to shoot for 2 seconds left and….. it didn’t go in. So we lost 21-22. Our coach told us after the game to work on our drives and press breaks. He said that we need to call 41, which is for an offensive play, and get the ball near the rim. So we had our next game and listened to what our coach said and we did better. We won 31-28. He said that if we get down the court fast enough, we can break a press. We were all excited, we won. I thought about how our high post and low post played and our point guard, wing, and center did. There is strength in numbers. Everyone as unique as we are have something to bring to the table. We all have one goal. To do better so that we can win the game.
What makes technology so cool is the many unseen hands who work together to identify the challenge or solve the challenge in order to bring about a change to help others. I love tech. It comes with collaboration, communication, and creativity. This is why the tech industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. So whatever is your strength, bring it to tech. Let’s take it to the next level.
Don’t wait any longer, Start learning how to code today!
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