Our Responsibility

Our Responsibility

I did an evaluation today on my way to school,  I constantly have a to-do list, as I recount all the responsibilities I had to do 2years ago, and today it is more, I realized it was increasing and never decreasing. I think about what it will be in two years time, it will increase.

Our TECH community is the fastest growing industry in the World, there are several ways we can give back, in the next few days let us reach out and give back as a responsibility. Let us look around and bring more people to TECH including kids, we all are responsible for filling all the Job openings available.
We can do it.


I woke you on a beautiful Saturday and I looked around me, I have my notepad beside my bed where I write down ideas of either identifying a challenge or a solution that comes to my head.

One of the benefits of identifying a challenge and building a solution using code is not only the cool solution that is built but the discipline it takes to build the solution. When you identify a challenge, it sticks to your head and occupies your mind, you find yourself constantly processing all the solutions being built. I find myself asking questions and sometimes writing my codes on paper. Yes, you heard me, I sometimes write my code on paper, behind my notebooks at school. You can’t run your code on paper, I tell myself after I have done it, Oh yes, I find myself doing it. All I see is the codes in front of me. Programming/coding comes with a lot of discipline which helps us to stay focused.

Here at Bugzero.codes one of our missions is to combat online distraction and mischief while enhancing a high sense of discipline. Discipline helps to increases our productivity, it keeps us on task and really and truly who doesn’t want that? There are so many distractions in the digital World, too many things in your face all wanting your attention, that is one of the benefits of being able to code.

We believe Coding is for everyone including kids.

Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!!!

All Work and No Play

All Work and No Play

On our way back from Basketball, Paul asked the team, why do you play sports? some answered with a question “why are you asking”? some said it is fun, some said I l just love basketball! Philip said something that left the entire team quit, he said ” I do school work, I prepare for my test and quizzes, I do my chores at home, I get ready for school, I have discovered my school work will always be there, it will only change later on in life to my job, my chores will always be there, either living with my parents, for now, living by myself later or living with my wife and family. There will always be something to do, but sports gives me time with my buddies, I learn the importance of teamwork in a fun atmosphere, I learn what teammate is all about, we all work together for the same goal. It keeps me fit!
I do school work, I do my chores, I code, and yes I play sport!
Let us code and play!!!
To Do List: 2019

To Do List: 2019

At lunch yesterday we talked about the year coming to an end in a matter of days. Everyone on the table remembered they made a resolution but could not remember any new year resolution they had made. That was very interesting.
We all started talking about next year, everyone said oh it will surely be different, I wondered how everyone forgot! some were confused they were no longer sure. I asked if they knew why they couldn’t remember, no one had an answer. I asked, Could it be because the resolutions were centered around self? If those resolutions were about helping others, making a change for good in the life of others do you think it will be forgotten after 10months?
2019 will soon be here, look around you, include helping somebody at least one person through mentoring, teaching, encouraging, modeling your life skills.
You can’t forget a person but you can forget all about your diet plans for the year. 
One way every developer can prepare for 2020 is to invest in someone in 2019. Our TECH community will grow. More Veterans, girls/women, kids, including retirees will be coming to Tech. It is an industry that gives everyone an option.
Pass it On.

Pass it On.

Tom my friend loves to play basketball Uncle Peter his uncle played basketball in college. This is basketball season at the school, over the weekend Tom always invited us to join him to learn more skills from Uncle Peter so we can do better in our game during the week. During our practice Mrs. Peter always yelled in excitement, ‘Pass it on Peter’ after our practice on Saturday, she said to us, Uncle Peter is passing on basketball skills so that you can turn around and pass the same skills to another person, never keep your skills to yourself, pass it on!!
I thought about passing on our passions to others. Every time I am on LinkedIn I see job opening in TECH, every day and am thinking if every Developer can share a slice of their time to share all the skills needed in learning how to code and collaborating, our TECH community will grow, the tool to take part in today’s digital World is given, A different way of thinking is taught, math skills are enhanced in kids which is a tool needed to help us in STEM. All it takes is the desire to pass it on.
Pass on your skills, pass on your passion for a kid around you, to an adult, to your friends and family.
Pass it on!
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
How was you’re Thanksgiving?

How was you’re Thanksgiving?

How was you’re thanksgiving?

What was your favorite part about Thanksgiving? We had a lot of food, the table looked like a feast, it was wonderful to have family friends over, we shared what we were Thankful for, one thing that was common was family! Time shared with family and dear friends will never be forgotten. Thanksgiving is awesome because we all count our many blessings and see there are many! When we take time to reflect on our day, we will really find something to be thankful about. Even if it’s a bad day.

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