Growing The Tech Community

Growing The Tech Community

Teaching is a preparation for tomorrow. We learn today so that we can do better tomorrow. The tech community is growing so fast yet I read on the internet that there is a shortage in the tech community. Some members of the tech community are self-thought which is amazing! Some have gone to boot camps and some have gone to colleges. The big question is “How can we grow the tech community” coding is a global language, it unifies us yet there is a shortage. If every developer/ programmer can pick one person and come side with that person, there will be more people in the field of technology. Knowledge shared is growth in the community.

Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!

BugZero codes Acronym

BugZero codes Acronym

TED is our acronym.


M – Mentoring a kid

R – Replicate building solution skill in a kid

T – Teach a kid

E – Encourage a kid to learn how to code

D – Do it with all your heart

Mr. Ted should be our goal when we are teaching other kids and adults how to code and master the skills so that they can pass it on to other people.

Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

There are many challenges that have been identified and solutions have been built, the solutions are so cool that they look like a trick! Challenges that have lasted so long looked like change will never come! Guess what solutions were built, take for example who would have believed we can move the internet around in our pockets, who would have believed you can buy and sell from the comfort of your home, who would have believed people can work from home and get the job done.

Apps are created every day! There are apps to help kids stay safe while tricking and treating!

Technology is a treat!!

Everyone loves a treat!

Build a solution today and share it with the World.

Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today.

Coding Gives Everyone an Option

Coding Gives Everyone an Option

In my technology school, there were adults from different professions which was very interesting. They all wanted to make a change in their professions and career. They are all coming into technology. Technology is a common denominator for every profession. It is an option for everyone. All it takes is continuous learning and discipline to practice. A lot of kids have this option too. At we want kids, no matter what they want to be, to know they have the option of getting into tech at any time in their life. So we believe it is better to start now.


Strong Community

Strong Community

The word community is used very often, most of the time when we talk about the community it is the adults, there are a few communities where kids have taken up a challenge and built a solution.

Kids enjoy many goodies that technology has given to, some kids do not know they can solve challenges around us, some know but are afraid to try, some think they are not part of the solution building when kids get into problem-solving.

They can overcome anything that comes their way and other kids will see that and say “ I want to build solutions as well, as more kids get into building solutions, we will begin to see strong communities.”.

This is our definition of “Strong Community”.

A strong community is when kids are involved in problem-solving.

Daniel Amadi

Our Equation

Our Equation

Did you know that coding enhances math skills? Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division are all used for coding and are called operators. Functions in coding help to eliminate repetition. All these are seen frequently and used in math. Coding helps in learning math better. We believe that math is #1!

Collaborating is amazing. We all have different skills and strength in different areas. When we come together it is so amazing. More people working together towards a goal is more fun, and achievable at a faster pace. The result is amazing solutions.

Here is equation:


The first step is for kids to practice coding and math every day + to collaborate with other kids = problem-solving in our home, school, and community.

 – equation –



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