Our Quotes

Our Quotes

I was at a school recently to talk to kids about coding and the benefits of learning how to code in today’s digital world. We all identified a common challenge in class which was how to make learning fun and enjoyable. That was a good one! Previously, I made a spelling app which was designed to solve this challenge. Every kid loved the spelling app.

The spelling app is played as a game, and it was fun! There was so much excitement! After playing the game, I told the students, every one of them, they can create an app that builds a solution to an existing challenge. They all wanted to know more about how they can create their own apps and I told them to learn how to code and shared some resources they can tap into. I shared this with Eugene and here is an interesting quote he came up with!


Kids attitude to coding will begin to change when we engage in coding and discover the fun in it, coding becomes a habit.

 – Eugene Amadi –


Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

I woke up and checked the weather. It was 52. That’s a big change from what I expected. I had to change my school clothes and I wondered what it would be like without a weather forecast. Think about the satellites, radar, and computers used in predicting the weather forecast. Without weather forecast, I might plan an outdoor activity that might get canceled because of the rain that I had no clue was coming. I know technology has some downsides, but the change it has brought is amazing. Everyone can not be a programmer, but technology is changing the face of every profession and that change has come to stay. Do you know any profession that technology has not changed?


Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code today!

Life Lessons Learned From Coding

Life Lessons Learned From Coding

Coding teaches problem-solving and critical thinking. It also creates habits which help in continuous improvements. It is a different way of learning. It is very detailed. It teaches patience, sometimes we spend longer than usual time figuring out why the code is not running and what went wrong and how can it be fixed. Sometimes it allows you to realize that the only way you can debug the line of code is by being patient and looking at the line of code carefully.

Coding enhances math skills. Math is all around us from putting toothpaste on our toothbrush in the morning to adding milk to a bowl of cereal.

Reading/Critical Thinking

Reading/Critical Thinking

Reading is an essential part of learning how to code. Reading coding books can also improve your mind. When we read, we should be asking ourselves questions like “What did the author mean by that?

What was the author trying to say? Who or what is this paragraph talking about?”.

Questions we would ask ourselves using coding are the following: “Is there another way? Is there a cleaner way? Is there a faster way? Are there shorter codes so I don’t have to repeat?”

Hurricane Michael

Hurricane Michael

Looks like we are back at it again! Hurricane Michael grows to a category 4 hurricane but now has calmed down to a tropical depression. Michael actually became a catastrophic hurricane overnight! On Monday it was a tropical storm, but two days later it’s a category 4 hurricane with 155 mph wind speeds! Category 5 hurricanes have 156 mph wind speeds!  What if we did not have satellites? What if we did not have technology that can tell us the weather every day? The death toll right now is 6, but that could have been higher if there is no technology.


Our heart goes to all the people that have lost their loved ones during this difficult time and those that have been displaced,


Here at Bugzero.codes, we will be praying for you.



A lot of kids love to play games, it is fun and exciting. Behind every game are thousands of code. Most of us kids do not know that. Lua, Python, and C++ are some of the programming languages used to create games. It is much more fun creating your own game, a look at the finished product ignites a smile looking back at the time spent and the creativity.
When I started coding for the first time, I started with a game. It was fun. My friends always tell me they want to create their own game. I always encourage them to start with learning how to code. It is the first step.
The next time you see a kid playing a digital game, tell them
“Behind  this game are many codes”
kids can create games and share it with the World.
Join us in our free coding workshop.
We are collaborating with Limited Run.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!!!
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