by BugZeroCodes | Oct 8, 2018 | Blog
Here at Bug Zero.Codes, we have been sharing our passion for libraries, schools, and meetup events. Now we want to include a workshop so that kids can have a taste of coding and then fall in love with coding, as time goes on. Together we will combat online mischief distraction and enhance math skills while we build strong communities where kids can take part in solving problems using the code in homes and schools around the world.
We are excited Limited Run is collaborating with us to teach kids how to make their own games and at the same time learn how to code. Let us learn while having fun.
We are elevating play! Share this! Invite friends and family.
by BugZeroCodes | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog
Your family can influence you greatly. Your family support feeds and protects you. They encourage you.
Don’t take them for granted. Be thankful you have a loving mom, dad, sister, or brother that want you to do well as a programmer or any other profession you choose. As a family, we should always support one another.
You will not believe how far just a “Nice job!” Or “Keep it up!” goes.
by BugZeroCodes | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog
I hear people introduce themselves as programmers, and some say they are developers. Hmm. I decided to ask about the difference between a programmer and a developer. A programmer writes code and understands the algorithm, and a developer work with big and sometimes different applications. They work with people. Whenever I am in a meetup, and I meet people, I know the difference now. Programmers love to be taught by their developers. The developers help the programmers get into the higher material so they can become developers. Developers are what power games. Some games that kids have played want to be like that developer. It all starts with coding!
Don’t wait any longer! Start learning how to code.
by BugZeroCodes | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog
To me, every language is fun and exciting!
Yes, they are all exciting. Sometimes I go to sleep with thoughts of how to get rid of a bug to get my code running.
Eventually, the next day, when I get rid of the bug, and my code is able to run, I laugh. That is so cool! Ruby, as I said before, was an enjoyable language. It was very natural for me. It was friendly going from English to coding. It also helped to start a change in my thought process, from the way I think to the way the computer thinks. It was not so easy, but it can be done. When you get used to it, it becomes interesting. Actually, your problem-solving skill begins to develop and changes completely over time. As a programmer/Coder/Computer Scientist/Software Engineer/Developer you train your mind to think in a different way. Ruby and Python, from my experience and my brothers, is that they are and feel natural, but Ruby is more natural than Python.
by BugZeroCodes | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog
We kids love to play soccer, like my brothers. Daniel does soccer, basketball plays the piano and saxophone. Eugene does soccer and plays the trombone and the piano. For me, Coding is just one of the hobbies I do for fun. I also play the piano, draw, and right now I am learning how to play percussion. I also love to spend time with my friends. How about including coding as a hobby?
Coding can be a very interesting hobby. Make out time for it and you see that you can do with it.
by BugZeroCodes | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog
Here is our mission at BugZero.Codes
- Combat online distraction and mischief
- Enhancing math skills
- Building a strong community where kids are involved in identifying challenges and building solutions using code in our homes, schools, and communities
- Growing the tech community.
Why is Bug Zero Unique?
Kids are teaching kids. Kids are building life skills. Kids are learning responsibility.
Mark your calendar! October 13th is the Bug Zero Workshop! Join us! It is going to be amazing because we are elevating play with limited run.
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