The Difference Between Arguments and Parameters

The Difference Between Arguments and Parameters

Parameters and arguments in coding are very similar but are still different.

Parameters, for example, are like this:

def function(parameter)

Whereas arguments are like this:


So parameters are the variables used when making a function. Arguments are the values to the variables of the function.

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Lets Talk a Little About Python

Lets Talk a Little About Python

In Python instead of calling the add-ons gems, we call them eggs. Python has many API frameworks that use eggs like Flax, Django, and CherryPy. API’s set up or instruct what they website displays and display what the user can and can not do.

Python is a programming language used for very broad projects. I believe Python is good for beginners. It runs through Python IDLE. Python IDLE stands for Integrated Development Environment of Python. I started with it because I thought it was very simple and very understandable. It helped to understand more specific projects.

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Let’s Talk a Little Bit of Ruby

Let’s Talk a Little Bit of Ruby

Ruby gems are pieces of software on a Rails app to do things. The following examples are gems:


  • Devise lets you make/create users. It can also let you have authentication in your apps.



  • Kaminari lets you paginate things so they don’t overflow the page.



  • Can can can lets users have certain permissions to do certain things or visit certain pages.


The gem in Ruby is a library. The word “Gem” reminds me of something precious. In some of the books I read, I have come across gemstones. How precious these stones are! Ruby gem allows authentication. Authentication includes logging into an app and creating new accounts. Ruby gem is a perfect fit.

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Differences Between Ruby and Python

Differences Between Ruby and Python

Python is a high-level language used to write short scripts, build API (Application Program Interfaces), or build a complex object.



Has more than one way of doing the same thing

You have to understand how to do something, which is how it ought to be done

Very web focused

Used widely in academia and Linux

Community innovates faster but easier to break more

Community innovates slower but more stable

The framework is Ruby on Rails

Framework is Django


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Our First and Second Programming Languages

Our First and Second Programming Languages

My brothers started with Python and when they got into Ruby, they loved it! It looked more like a human language than a computer language. We could actually draw with code! Eugene said, “If this is what coding looks like, then we can do it,” He was right, and it encouraged us to dive into more languages. Our curiosity increased for other languages. We came to an agreement that Ruby is flexible and more forgiving of errors. That is so great. At least you can run your program until Ruby decides “Uh-oh, fix this problem” and truly and surely you can. That was the start of our amazing story.


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Which Programming Language Should I Learn First?

Which Programming Language Should I Learn First?

I am going to share our experience here at Bug Zero. For me, it began with Python, which was fun because those were the first books we had.

When I learned Ruby, it looked like it was closer to English. It looked simple and natural to read and type.

You can quickly build something from scratch with less code. Ruby is used for

websites like GitHub. Python is used for websites like Google and Youtube. Let me share the similarities between these two languages.

They are both used to solve problems that have been around for a long time. They are both object-oriented languages. They are both dynamic and flexible. You can actually do a lot with them. Let’s get to some of their differences.

Do not wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!


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