We went over for dinner with a family friend, and I was asked about coding. Which you know, got me excited and I told them about the exciting projects I am working on. Our friend shared with us how technology has made nursing so much easier. Hm! Curious, I asked how has technology made it easier?

She told me about Pyxis Medical Cart which has helped to reduce medical errors. She gave an example with taking care of five patients in a hospital. It is hard to remember the me

dication and the time for the medication of all five patients. It takes time to write the information for all five patients, but with Pyxis, it gives the list and the time each patient gets their medication.

If the nurse forgets to give one medication, Pyxis will remind you with a red light!!! Before technology, these medications were on charts, and you may forget the time of the medication which is not good. 

Technology is so amazing. It helps the nurse, and it helps us when we are sick.

Another problem solved by using code

I have an iOS class in my technology school. It has been fun and has been going well. I love IOS!!! Mom bought my books on eBay. We ordered the book from the comfort of our couch. We took our time and looked through some books. We chose a book that I liked and that I needed and we bought it. It came in the mail in 2 days. That is SO COOL!!! We didn’t have to drive to the store. We didn’t have to walk there. Another problem solved by using code. 

Technology is so amazing. It helps the buyers to reach their customers and sellers to reach their buyers. The cost of the books was even cheaper because the seller may sell from their home. The seller may not need more people. All she/he needs is a space which may be little or big.

Another problem solved by using code

My uncle wanted to take me and my brothers out for dinner. We couldn’t drive because there was too much traffic. So my uncle used Uber so that we could go without using our uncle’s car gas. It was so cool!! Uber is something that you can use to get to places without using your car.

It can help you get to a baseball game, basketball game, etc. When I first saw it I was like WOAH!! This is GREAT!! 

Technology is so amazing. Its amazing by how its used how we can talk to people and send with one click. Technology has changed for a long time and is still changing today. 

Don’t Wait any longer. Start learning how to code today!

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